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[05-20 23:56:09]   来源:http://www.170xuexi.com  小学四年级英语学习   阅读:9993

概要:at is it ?( ) English book、 two and notebook.( )It is blue and .( ) is it ?三、利用课本上的内容填空1.Put your in your desk.2.Put your on your English book.3. Put your under your schoolbag.4. Put your near your pencil box.5.I have two (数学书)。6.I have four (糖)and six (玩具)。7. .I have twelve (笔记本)8. Today,we have some gifts for the students in Hope School(希望小学)。Amy has(10)schoolbags。Mike has



  A: Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new ____.

  B: Really? ___ ___        is it

  A: It’s ____ and ___    .  Look!

  B: Wow! It’s a panda. How nice?What’s in your schoolbag ?

  A:An      book, a ___    book,    story books…

  B: May I have a look?

  A: Sure. Here you are.(给你)


  (  )Thank you so much !

  (  )Excuse      . I lost my           .

  (  )Here it is !

  (  )OK.What is       it ?

  (  )      English book、 two      and      notebook.

  (  )It is blue and       .

  (  )                          is it ?


  1.Put your            in your desk.

  2.Put your            on  your English book.

  3. Put your            under your schoolbag.

  4. Put your             near  your pencil box.

  5.I have two              (数学书)。

  6.I have four          (糖)and six        (玩具)。

  7. .I have twelve          (笔记本)

  8. Today,we have some gifts for the students in Hope School(希望小学)。Amy has

  (10)schoolbags。Mike has            (12)Chinese books.Zhangpeng has

  (7)story-books.Sarah has         (8 )candies. Miss White has

  (3)toys .We are so happy.

标签:小学四年级英语学习四年级英语学习方法,小学英语学习小学教育 - 小学英语学习 - 小学四年级英语学习