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Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do? 单元教案设计

[10-22 13:30:28]   来源:http://www.170xuexi.com  小学六年级英语教案   阅读:90

概要:n/evening,take a trip; go to the cinema, read a magazine2. 能够在现实生活中灵活运用句型What are you going to do this evening? I’m going to the cinema.并能对其中的动词短语和时间短语对将来的活动进行表述,力求做到语音准确,语调自然。【】 1.与本课时相关的教学挂图。2.录音机和本单元的教学录音带。3.准备本课动词短语和时间短语的卡片。4.教师准备中国旅游图一张,小红旗十面。5.教师准备作为奖励的小奖品。【】 1.教师让学生一起拍手说唱上册所学的英语chant,全班学生分两大组读问句和答句。 2.教师走到学生中间,和学生做简单的Free Talk。如:What do you do on the weekend? I’m going to read books/go shopping/do homework/watch TV/play the piano/play the violin/visit the grandparents/…通过唱歌谣复习再现旧知,营造学习英语

Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do? 单元教案设计,http://www.170xuexi.com


  1.能够听、说、认读下列词组:take a trip; go to the cinema, read a magazine.

  2.能够听、说、读、写时间短语:next week, this morning/afternoon/evening; 并能听、说、认读时间短语:tomorrow, tonight.

  3.能够在现实生活中灵活运用句型What are you going to do this evening? I’m going to the cinema.并能对其中的动词短语和时间短语进行替换操练,做到语音准确,语调自然。

  4.能够在Pair work中合理安排自己的活动时间并与他人进行交流。



  1.熟练掌握本单元的重点词组next week, this morning/afternoon/evening,take a trip; go to the cinema, read a magazine

  2. 能够在现实生活中灵活运用句型What are you going to do this evening? I’m going to the cinema.并能对其中的动词短语和时间短语对将来的活动进行表述,力求做到语音准确,语调自然。











  2.教师走到学生中间,和学生做简单的Free Talk。如:

  What do you do on the weekend?

   I’m going to read books/go shopping/do homework/watch TV/play the piano/play the violin/visit the grandparents/…



  1.教师对同学们说:“假设周末是你妈妈的生日,What are you going to do this weekend ?”教师反复重复这个句子,并将其板书。

  S:I am going to clean the room.

  S:I am going to go shopping.

  S:I am going to buy a birthday card.

  … …

  教师随机板书:I am going to…

  由自然谈话引入到一般将来时句型,并以母亲的生日为话题,引导学生操练be going to do 句型,渗透孝心教育。

  2.教师把Let’s start 的教学挂图呈现给学生,和学生一起谈论Zhang Peng’s weekend,引导学生问答。


  教师让同学们扮演Zhang Peng,然后进行问答练习

  T: Hello, Zhang Peng! What are you going to do this weekend ?

  S1: I am going to visit my grandparents, clean my room and watch TV.

  S2: I am going to play football, do my homework and visit my friends.

  … …


  3.教师出示陈洁旅游图。(take a trip/tomorrow)


  教 师教授词组take a trip,,让学生扮演陈洁进行pair work。

  S: What are you going to do tomorrow?

  Chen Jie: I am going to take a trip.

  S: Suppose tomorrow is my holiday. I am going to take a trip .I am going to Qingdao. What about you?

  T: I am going to take a trip. I am going to …


  4.教师出示陈洁在家看杂志图进行pair work,并学习词组 read a magazine.(tonight/this evening)

  5.教师接着出示陈洁和妈妈一起看电影的图片,并学习词组go to the cinema。(next week)

  运用图片引出新授词组,在pair work中操练新授词组和句型,以便很好地完成教学目标。在中国地图上贴上小红旗,以培养学生的爱国主义情感

  6.最后教师播放录音让学生跟读录音内容,并教学词组this morning, this afternoon, this evening.,让学生通过听读进一步巩固新知。







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